Hiya everyone - My name is Niharika and I use she/her pronouns.


Niharika is a South-Indian mental wellbeing practitioner & intersectionality advocate based on Naarm land, on Boonwurrung Country (Melbourne, Australia).

A mental health advocate by lived experience, a social worker by study, and a student of life - she tries to identify and bridge systemic gaps within the mental wellbeing sector, with a specific focus on supporting multicultural mental health advocates & professionals, and communities from refugee or migrant-backgrounds.

Niharika believes in the importance of integrating narrative approaches, as well as the need for agency and self-determination, when working toward increased cultural humility, and a safer & more culturally-responsive system.

I am looking for mental health or wellbeing supports for myself or a loved one…

I’d like to know what you’re investing your love & energy in at the moment!

I am a multicultural mental health advocate looking for a capacity-building support network :)